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🥰Flower Tea for Weight Loss🥰

🤩Summer Special Offer: 10% off on all products🤩

😘Free shipping for orders over $188😘

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Mulberry (80gX3pcs) Promote Eye and Hair growth (ready-to-eat or brew)

Mulberry (80gX3pcs) Promote Eye and Hair growth (ready-to-eat or brew)

Product Description
· A rich source of active protein, vitamins, amino acids, carotene, minerals, etc.
· Improve blood circulation and immunity, has the effect of anti-aging and beauty.
· Facilitate proper digestion. Relieves constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps.
· Improve eye health.

Until 2025-12-30T16:00:00.000+00:00 Free Shipping Offer: Enjoy free shipping when you make a purchase of HK$188.00 or more on order

Summer Special Offer: 10% off on all products on order

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Product Description

ü  Arich source of activeprotein, vitamins, amino acids, carotene, minerals, etc.

ü  Improveblood circulation and immunity, has the effect of anti-aging and beauty.

ü  Facilitateproper digestion. Relieves constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps.

ü  Improveeye health, reducing the risk of cataracts.

ü  Nourishand purify the blood in the liver.

ü  Promotehair growth and retains the natural color of your hair.



Direction of Use

1. Put 5-8 pieces of mulberry into300ml to 500ml boiledwater (70-85℃).

2. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes, canbrew for 2 to 3 times.

3. Add honey or sugar if preferred.

4. Go well with wolfberry, chrysanthemum,red dates, etc.

Storage Condition

Keep in a cool, dry place. Avoiddirect sunlight.

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • 順豐速運(注:星期六日收到的訂單於工作日發出,送貨需要2-7日)

Payment Options

  • FPS
  • Alipay (HK)_SHOPLINE Payments
  • Apple Pay
  • Credit Card
  • WeChat Pay
Customer Reviews
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}